Reasons to Repair Chimney Damage

Chimneys play an essential role in the proper performance of the fireplace. Their primary function is to divert combustion gasses like carbon dioxide out of the home and offer protection against fire hazards. Unfortunately, chimneys can experience damages over the years and may require repairs. It is dangerous to operate a fireplace with a damaged chimney, which puts home safety at risk.

Most homeowners take their chimneys for granted and are unaware that they require regular inspections and maintenance. They do not know how to spot warning signs and realize their chimney needs repairs only after the damage becomes extensive.

Signs that a chimney is damaged and need professional repairs

Loose or cracked mortar joints

Any damage to the mortar joints between the chimney masonry needs repairs as soon as possible, as it significantly increases the potential of moisture damage and accelerates the chimney deterioration process. Failing mortar joints can lead to larger cracks resulting from the freezing and thawing of moisture during colder weather. Neglecting repairs can cause the entire chimney to collapse.


Efflorescence, or white stains, across the bricks indicate excess moisture in masonry. Call a professional immediately for inspection as it can cause mold growth and other moisture-related damages that lead to premature chimney deterioration.

Rusted firebox

The firebox or damper should not develop rust or cracks. If the firebox fails to open or close smoothly or does not seal properly, check for rust as it is a sign of too much moisture presence. Rust can damage the chimney liner and crack the flue tiles, leading to a house fire. Professionals can identify the source of moisture and perform required repairs.

Damaged chimney crown

The crown is the top part of a chimney and protects its structure from the outdoor elements. A cracked or damaged crown can allow moisture or debris to seep into the space between the liner and chimney and deteriorate the masonry. A professional can climb the roof during an inspection to check the crown for visible and other damages. Weatherproofing the chimney can avoid these problems.

Damaged chimney flashing

Flashing provides a watertight seal to the connection between the chimney and roof. Worn-out or compromised flashing can cause leaks and water damage. Look out for rust, holes, and cracks in the flashing, and call a professional for repairs or replacements. Also, ensure that the chimney cap is in good condition.

Spalling bricks

Spalling occurs when moisture enters the masonry and causes the brick, stone, or concrete surface to peel or flake off. Extreme weather, aging bricks, use of a pressure washer at high power, or using inferior quality components can cause spalling. Repair or replace the damaged masonry to stop further crumbling.

Damaged flue liner

Cracked or damaged flue tiles expose the home to a hazardous chimney fire. Professionals can analyze the flue lining for problems using special equipment as it is easy for issues to go undetected.

Faulty or damaged chimneys pose a fire risk, release toxins, or produce weak fire. Natural elements, general wear and tear, incorrect building process, water or moisture, and creosote can damage a chimney.

A professional chimney inspection helps catch issues at earlier stages and take preventative measures to fix them before they turn hazardous.


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